Saturday, April 10, 2010

The most common mesothelioma treatment options

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Mesothelioma treatment options are improving the care of research and the program will depend on factors such as cancer, stage of cancer, how far it has spread to patients, such as age, needs and how the cancer cells appear microscope.

There are three main types of traditional treatment for people with lung cancer mesothelioma, or surgery to remove the tumor, chemotherapy drugs, the use ofto eliminate cancer cells and radiation therapy uses X-rays at high doses, or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells. Typically these treatments are combined.

The prognosis of mesothelioma cancer is usually eight to twelve months. However, the time factor in the treatment of this disease and the first is the diagnosis, the better.

In the case of the operation, diagnostic intervention is sometimes necessary, as a very necessary step, such as the diagnosis of mesothelioma from fluidsometimes it is not clear. Sometimes a thoracoscopy (as an open biopsy, but less invasive) is carrying out various tissue biopsies and for the evaluation of pleural cavity. A final diagnosis was reached up to 98% of cases. Fluid can be drained from the intrapleural space at the same time and to assess the extent of the tumor to determine the possibility of resection.

An alternative to thoracoscopic thoracic surgery video is supported (VATS), which is more invasive butDoctor is able to see the pleural space with a camera, while the collection of samples for examination of the tumor by a pathologist. Your doctor can also determine the degree of invasion of the tumor, for example, in the chest wall or pleural involvement.

One or mediastinoscopy laproscopy sometimes used as a probe the size of the disease.

Palliative procedures are used to treat the symptoms of mesothelioma, but not to cure the disease. These methods are chest tubeDrainage and pleurodesis is the most common treatments are palliative. Thoracoscopy and pleurodesis with VATS done. Pleuroperitoneal shunt is sometimes used, but on a limited capacity for tumor seeding. Finally, a pleurectomy is sometimes where major surgery is not possible.

In addition to diagnostic and palliative treatment is surgery with potentially curative intent if the aim of eliminating all diseases, the knowledge is madethat some microscopic elements will probably remain.

malignant pleural mesothelioma two surgical treatments that are available for a pleurectomy / decortication what is performed at the beginning stage tumors (Stage I and Stage II at times) and, extrapleural pneumonectomy, the operation is performed only the most surgeon with experience and before that failed to cure or prolong life.

peritoneal mesothelioma, surgery is intended to eliminate all cytoreductivethe visible or gross tumor in the abdominal cavity. Cancer cells are treated with chemotherapy and left concentrated in the abdominal cavity.

Chemotherapy is the treatment of cancer with anticancer drugs or chemicals that destroy their control division of cancer cells. It is not a cure, but aims to ensure the circulation, tumor shrinkage to relieve symptoms such as pain and microscopic cells remaining after surgery (adjuvant control destroyChemotherapy).

radiotherapy or radiotherapy is contained in the field of mesothelioma treatment options, and treat cancer using radiation energy penetrating radiation, and palliative and can be used in combination with surgery.

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